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Carlos Gagini Anticipates Philip K. Dick
by Iván Molina In 1920, the Costa Rican writer Carlos Gagini (1865-1925) published one of the most original Latin American science fiction novels of the first half of the twentieth…
“But I did love!…” – James Tiptree, jr. and the World’s Greatest Science Fiction Story
by Michael K. Iwoleit Yes, I know. There is no such thing as the world’s greatest science fiction story. There is no single greatest novel, no greatest opera, no greatest…
Pioneers of Rock’n’Roll: Indonesian Bands in Germany
by Chris Hyde What I have to say about the Indonesian bands mainly refers to the late 1950ies and early 1960ies because the Indo rock was already past its peak…
The Turkish Chekhov: Some Remarks on Sait Faik
by Michael K. Iwoleit It’s an irony that a man who carved out such a humble, peripheral existence, who never really managed to establish himself in ordinary life, who prefered…
The Orwellian Age of Phantomology
by ROLF GIESEN The Infinite Blob of the Mysterious Avengers The first science fiction movie I ever saw in my life was either The Blob: Indescribable! Indestructible! Nothing Can Stop…
The True Invisible. On William S. Burroughs‘ Life and Work
by HORST PUKALLUS During his time in Tanger (Morocco), where he lived from 1954 to 1958 and wrote Naked Lunch, William Seward Burroughs, born in St. Louis in 1914, became…
Africa’s 100 Best Books of the 20th Century
On occasion of the Zimbabwe International Book Fair 1998 in Harare the Kenyan scholar and political writer Ali Al’amin Mazrui initiated the compilation of a list of the best African…
Why I Don’t Like Kafka
by Michael K. Iwoleit There are writers who have spawned a whole industry of interpreters. The volume of interpretative literature not uncommonly surpasses the work of the respective writer many…