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“But I did love!…” – James Tiptree, jr. and the World’s Greatest Science Fiction Story
by Michael K. Iwoleit Yes, I know. There is no such thing as the world’s greatest science fiction story. There is no single greatest novel, no greatest opera, no greatest…
Pioneers of Rock’n’Roll: Indonesian Bands in Germany
by Chris Hyde What I have to say about the Indonesian bands mainly refers to the late 1950ies and early 1960ies because the Indo rock was already past its peak…
Next Virtual Event: Konjaku Monogatarishu
The geishas of The Little Yoshiwara – one of the longest-standing and most authentic Japanese themed sims in Second Life – will again perform classical Japanese stories, dance and music…
Next Virtual Event: The Battle of Dan-no-Ura
Due to an indisposition of our webmaster this announcement is a little short-termed but we hope it will still reach some of our target audience: The geishas of The Little…
The Turkish Chekhov: Some Remarks on Sait Faik
by Michael K. Iwoleit It’s an irony that a man who carved out such a humble, peripheral existence, who never really managed to establish himself in ordinary life, who prefered…
Virtual Event: Tale of the Heike
The next event in our Second Life installation will take place on Saturday, May 25th, starting at 2:00 pm Second Life time / 23:00 CET. The geishas of The Little…
Looking Back at Our First Reallife Event: Science Fiction Ladies Night in Wuppertal
Yes, we know. This should have been posted a while ago. There was so much background work going on in recent months that we deliver it now for historical purposes.…
Introducing the World Culture Hub in Second Life – A Night of Music, Dance & Art
Linden Lab has recently significantly reduced the land prices in Second Life which made it possible to extend our Second Life installation to a quarter sim. On Friday, July 13th…